Happy Easter

Easter Sunday

Sometimes I try and place myself into the Gospel Story. And wonder 
how I might be feeling as being one of his Disciples. First of all I have witnessed the last supper where this man washed my foot and said: Do this in memory of me, and then I walked with him to Calvary and wondered if they were after me too and so hid away. There must have been a great sadness and sense of loss on Saturday. I suppose there might have been an almost a feeling of wanting to get things back to normal. “ Well back to the day job” you might say and yet there would be a feeling and a thinking about all you had witnessed and heard even thinking about what was meant by Resurrection.
With all this you can see why the confusion that when Mary went to the tomb she ran to Peter and expressed that they had taken our Lord away.

We can be a little like the disciples not really believe that he has risen not really understanding what it is all about and so we run and we need to see for ourselves. We can also be a little like Peter who does not get there as fast as others. Our belief can be like Peter and then suddenly it all clicks into place.  

But unlike the disciples we are not there on the first Easter Sunday so where are we in the story. Maybe we believe or have a lack of belief or struggle sometimes with it all. But we can see signs of this new life in Christ especially in our Church and the sacraments.  Every time we celebrate Baptism or any of the sacraments we experience new life in Christ, new members coming into the Church and in my experience we have had quite a lot of people wanting to explore the Catholic faith here in the Parish.


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