Easter Greetings

ommentary of the day Saint Odilon of Cluny (961-1048), monk 
2nd. Sermon for the Resurrection of the Lord; PL 142, 1005

"Go tell my brothers to go to Galilee, and there they will see me"

The Gospel pictures the disciples' joyful race: «They both ran, but the other disciple ran faster than Peter and arrived at the tomb first» (Jn 20,4). Which of us would not likewise want to look for Christ, sitting at the right hand of the Father? And which of us, when they joyfully call to mind those apostles' eager race, would not try to run in spirit so as to find him at the end of their search? To encourage us in this desire we should all eagerly repeat this verse of the Song of Songs: «Draw me after you; we will run in the fragrance of your perfume» (3,4 LXX). To run in the fragrance of perfume means to keep going without stopping towards our Creator using the footsteps of our spirit and strengthened by the holy fragrance of the virtues.

This was exactly what the praiseworthy race of those holy women was like who, according to the gospels, had followed the Lord from Galilee and stayed faithful to him at the time of his Passion, whereas the disciples had run away (Mt 27,55). They had run in the fragrance of perfume in their spirit – and even according to the letter – since they had bought spices with which to anoint the Lord's body, as Mark testifies (16,1).

Brethren, following the example given by the hasty attentions of the disciples – both men and women – beside their Master's tomb... let us proclaim, after our own fashion, the joys of the Lord's resurrection. It would be really sad if our tongues of flesh were to stifle the praises due to our Creator on this day when his flesh was raised. This wonderful resurrection prompts us to proclaim the greatness of so great a joy's Author and to make known abroad the victory carried against our ancient enemy... Death is evicted today together with death's maker; today, through Christ, life is restored to humankind. Today are broken the devil's chains; on this day the freedom of the Lord is granted to Christians.


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