Seventh Sunday of the year A

This is my homily notes for the 7th Sunday of the Year which is missing from here because I lost the Notes on my computer. Kindly Michael from Rose Green keeps all my notes. If I ever become a Saint which I know I won't he is the person to see. 

Today we continue through the Sermon on the Mount and we come to what I think is one of the most challenging parts of the Gospel and this is where Jesus tells us to love our enemies. There are two themes that link itself to this and that is revenge and the second is love. Let take each of these in turn.
Often when someone wrongs us the first instinct that we have is for revenge. Jesus talks about the law which states an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. This sounds a bit barbaric to our ears today. It actually comes from the book of Exodus. Here it states “if further harm is done however you will reward life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, and stroke for stroke.” Although by the time of Jesus it was meant to be a moral decision and a retaliation of Goods. So what Jesus says in the Gospel that you should love your enemies is a really radical idea.
Even today we can see that this is a really challenging statement. But, here are a few points that help me. Once I was moaning to my spiritual director about someone who I really did not like. He said to me “Peter you don’t necessarily have to like everyone in fact it is near impossible But you do have to learn to love them”

So what then does this mean? I am sure that if you really look at the way we use the word we would have many different meanings. For love of food or drink, sport or activity and then God and Friends cover such a wide spectrum and yet it is all one word. IT seems to me that we should actually be meaning different words for each of them.  

So I encourage you to really think about how we use the word love.
In order though to love others we must therefore learn to love ourselves, this is one of the most difficult things in our lives. We must therefore treat ourselves every now and then and learn to love who we are and how we treat ourselves.
A way though of loving others and yourselves is to learn to pray for yourselves and for others deeply: Getting rid of ideas of revenge and learning to love self enables us then to love others. 


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