The Baptism of our Lord

The Baptism of the Lord Year
Today we celebrate the Baptism of Jesus. This was an important step in the journey of Jesus that we have followed since his birth a few weeks ago. We now come to the end of the Christmas story this Sunday. We are now fully aware of who this man is with the voice that came from heaven “This is my beloved my favour rests on him.”

This is interesting because usually when we have these miracles happening we are told that there was wonderment among the people. But, this time there is no reaction from the crowd. This suggests that it is meant for the reader. It is a direct link with the prophetic vision in the first reading “here is my servant whom I uphold my chosen one in whom my soul delights” Jesus in the baptism shows himself to be the Messiah the chosen one and so is making quite a statement and that’s why we get this message for the reader it is showing us who Jesus really is.

It also shows us who Jesus is for us that God has called us. I have often wondered about this. Especially with my own vocation I strongly believe that I did not choose to become a priest but I was guided by the Holy Spirit to make that decision. St John states “You did not choose me but I chose you” IF this is true then do I really have a vocation to the Priesthood? God asks first of all that we love him. He calls us by name into his love. We have a choice to listen to his voice and respond to his gentle calling us into his love. This is where we realise what purpose we have, we may fall and chose other paths God works with what we have chosen but he gently calls us back into being with him. So my primary vocation is to love God and God has chosen that for me the way he wants me to love him is through the sacramental priesthood. I am very happy that God has chosen me to live this life with all its joys and sorrows
So it is our job then to encourage Vocations to Priesthood. I leave you with a story.  I was once at the back of a Church after a homily on Vocations and I had a young boy by the side of me and I said “have you ever thought about Priesthood” I knew that he had because he had already spoken to me about it” The Mother turned round and said “Over my Dead body” This reaction stuck with me I felt sorry for the young man and the Mother. We can encourage vocations by living fully our own baptismal vocation to love God and our Neighbour.


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