The First Sunday of Advent 

Today begins the Season of Advent, the period of three or four weeks that precedes Christmas. This period is much more than a mere length of time though, as it is a time of expectation, anticipation and preparation for several advents.

We remind first of all, the advent of the chosen people in the long wait for the Messiah. Such waiting is still present in our Jew brothers’ life. The prophet Isaiah edifies us upon this expectation.

We also wait for the Coming of our Lord Jesus when he will come in his glory at the end of this world.
For each one of us the end of the world will come when we leave this world to be before the Righteous Judge and to give our whole life to him. But the whole Creation is in expectation: we are awaiting the appearance of the glory of the great God and of our Savior Jesus Christ (Ti 2:13) who will wipe every tear from our eyes (Rev 21:4) and he will establish new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells (2P 3:13).
This Day that we have to hope ardently will come suddenly for we know neither the day nor the hour (Mt 25:13). That's why we have to stay awake in this wait. Staying awake not only in the prayer, but also in the love for one another... because we shall pass our eternity loving!

Finally, the last week before Christmas will make us to walk straightforwardly towards the mystery of Nativity.

Then, in that first Sunday of Advent, in the blessed hope and with the whole Church, which prays and watches, let us turn towards the One who is to come (Rev 1:4):

"Marana tha" (Co 16:22),"Come, Lord Jesus!" (Rev 22:20)


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