The Glory of the Lord

The Glory of God is the final act in this three day love story of God to us. This if you like is the icing on the cake. The triumph over Sin and death is no ordinary event. In fact the events of the last three days have not been ordinary they have been extraordinary they have been supernatural. The empty tomb and the experience of the resurrection changes everything changes humanity and changes who we are. This single act of God helps us to live in freedom it is the central act of our faith that everything else hinges on. But it can only be understood as the final act of this love story. It can only be understood if we engage with the supernatural and start to see the signs of the Supernatural the Risen Christ at work in our world. If he loves us as we have discovered over the last few days he does then he must constantly at work in the world. Sometimes like the disciples we do not have the eyes or the risk of faith to see it we are comfortable in our own  world. We have to let our guards down in order to see God at work. 

So the Glory of God that we notice at Easter is God being among us and working with us. The whole book of acts is about the acts of the apostles in light of the resurrection. Spired on by this event they see his glory and his love and want to tell others. We are products of that first proclamation those first acts where we find the person of Jesus walking among us. Countless generations have witnessed to the Glory of God working and being among us. God’s supernatural work of redemption of his Glory his love and his peace are with us. In one very real sense the book of Acts is continuing to be written.

Over this weekend we will once again renew those promises that were made for us, or we ourselves made at our baptism. They remind us that we are made in his image and likeness and we are entrusted with the supernatural acts of God. We are called to a deeper holiness and one ness with the Risen Christ. We are his instruments his witnesses here on earth. It is now our turn to proclaim him to be his disciples to be his light for the world. So I encourage you to go deeper into your faith. If you are a regular here go deeper, if you are dipping your toe into the water I welcome you and go deeper, if you haven’t had any learning about Jesus for years maybe since your first Holy Communion then go deeper. 

How do we do this? We do it together as a community we pray for each other we encourage each other and we learn together. Since my time here in this wonderful place I have learnt a lot and my priesthood has been enriched. When thinking about the root cause of this I realised it has been the Alpha experience in the parish. I have seen the glory of God through Alpha and it has strengthened my faith. I have seen miracles I have heard about how the risen Jesus has opened the gateway to a deeper understanding of his love. I have seen people changed. Last week I talked about it after Mass and someone came up to me to say that it completely changed that persons life. Jesus can change your life he does it he continues to do it. Make a commitment this evening (Today) to let the risen Jesus change your life to seek a way to go deeper to try Alpha and come on the 30th April. Take the risk of faith dip your toe 


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