Book Review 1

Over the last year or so I have read a great deal of books and I thought I would share some of my favourites with you. Just to say first of all that I have a reputation to enjoy almost any kind of reading. One person I met recently said that it is never a waste of time reading. I tend to agree and really wish that people would read a lot more than they do.So here I go.

My first books are a set of three by Ken Follett. The Fall of Giants, Winter of the World and Edge of Eternity.They follow the fortunes of four sets of people. The William family a coal mining family, the Fitzherberts the aristocratic family who run the coal mine, a German spy Walter Von Ulrich, a ambitious young aide to the American government Wilson and two Russian brothers. The books take us on a journey through 20th century and its major events and what happens to these families and those who are associated with them. It is a great read, although you have to invest a lot of time into them as they are about 900 pages each. But well written and a great read. Great for a winter afternoon when it is raining. Enjoy I give them 5/5 in enjoyment.

My next book is totally different it is called " The Taliban Cricket Club" by Timeri N Murari. This book is Set in war torn Kabul and about a spirited young journalist who is summoned to the infamous Ministry of Propagation of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice. A Cricket tournament is announced and we follow the story of this young lady and her fight for freedom. I have to say this is a great read. It has some great characters in it and is a warm hearted story. I really enjoyed this book and would read other books by this writer. It also gives you an insight into the life in Kabul at that time when life was so fragile.

What I really enjoyed about this book was the strong female lead. She was a strong and was fighting for freedom even when life seemed against her. It was a good holiday read and kept me griped all the way through it. I would give this book 4/5

Some books it seems like a struggle to get to the end. Half way through you think to yourself. I have to finish this book even if it kills me. In the past I have given a book 50 pages before throwing it on the bad pile. One book that I struggled with at the beginning is "I am Pilgrim" by Terry Hayes. It, for me, had a slow start but then picked up the pace and turned out to be a good read. I like a book that makes you think and also a story that I find believable and could actually happen.

This little book review is only my opinion. The great thing about books is that for each of us they speak to us and also about the human condition. In my next book review I will be looking at another selection of books I have read over the last year or so. The next books I will review is "The Girl on the Train" "The Kings Curse" and also the first three books of "Game of Thrones"

Happy Reading


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