My trip to the Holy Land
I thought that I would write a little about my thoughts and feelings about my trip to the Holy Land this year. Above you get the iconic view of what we think of the Holy Land. This of course is the city of Jerusalem. But the Holy Land is more than this. It is a mix of people, customs , traditions and religions. When I last went to Israel in 2011 I went as a tourist not looking I suspect for too much. I had a great time and stayed in Jerusalem. We never saw the wall and never really spoke to the people who live there and the issues and problems that they go through.
This time was very different. We not only saw the Holy Places of both Israel, Jordan and Palestine. We met the living stones of the Holy Land. There basic message was " Tell others what you have seen."
I had the perception probably with the rest of the western world that Israel was right to want a land of their own. And so I started my Pilgrimage with feeling close to God and to the real man of Jesus. As we celebrated the first mass it was really emotional as I read the Gospel where Jesus tells Peter to feed his sheep on the lake of Galilee. It was comfortable.

One of the major places that we stayed in is Bethlehem. We used this as a base for Jerusalem. This meant going through the check points at the wall both on the way in and way out.
The reality of this does not immediately concern the average pilgrim. But, when you start talking to the people who have to live with this reality it is a different story.
We met those who live in and around the wall we all came painfully aware of the impact of a structure. For those who live on the Palestinian side of the wall does not have freedom of travel. They have to get a permit to go back wards and forwards. One person was telling me that his Mother had died in Jerusalem and naturally he had wanted to go with his family. They gave him permission to go but not the rest of the family.
This lack of freedom has a knock on affect on jobs and wealth in the area. One of the parishioners in Bethlehem told me that he had not left there for 15 years. Imagine not being able to get out of say Bognor Regis without great difficulty for that amount of time.
These people that we met are the living stones of the Holy Land. They are the people for whom we are trying our best to help. The people and the places have had a lasting effect on me. I will never forget the people I met. There are many other experiences that I have had in the Holy Land but they are for another time. These are my own views and I feel that there are some that would disagree. But, I am only doing what a wise old priest said to me " tell others what you see with your own eyes." And that is all I have done.