My God what a year in the Church
As a Church we have had quite a year. We started of the year under the leadership of Pope Benedict who would have predicted what happened on the feast of Our lady of Lourdes with is brave announcement and retirement. And how the Church has seemed suddenly to be more open and transparent under the leadership of Francis it is therefore no surprise that the Bishops Conference on this National Youth Sunday are looking at the theme, “Do not be afraid” and to preach the Good News by what we say and do. These are two things that Francis has done with great vigour and enthusiasm we have seen an unprecedented number of things happening. So what a year it has been. So where can we see this enthusiasm? I can especially see it in the young people that we have in this parish. The schools are alive with the faith only this week I witnessed an enthusiasm for the faith in year 9 with many serious and well thought-out questions, we have seen in the parish the enthusiasm that those young pe...