
Showing posts from January, 2021

The smile of God

  The smile of God Last    nights dream    We are loved into being. When we were created God smiled he saw and he loved what he had created. He held us in the palm of his hand. He gasped and enjoyed what he had created.    When we laugh and enjoy life he smiles and enjoys our fun. When we call upon him he smiles and listens gently. When we are hurting in distress and far from his smile he hold us with a gentle smile of encouragement. When we feel alone and hopeless he smiles and sends people to us to smile at us to do his work and help us. He recognises that life can sometimes be overwhelming. This is called being human. In these times he sends someone an angel with a dirty face just to help us. God smiles because he sees others doing his smiling for them. Sometimes we cannot see things to smile at. In these times we have to look more carefully and see the things that we are grateful for. The small things that will help us to see the smile of God. When...

Hope V Anxiety Lockdown 3

This Lockdown feels different from the other one in March, I am not sure I count the lockdown in November as so much was still open, I don't know if anyone else has felt the same? I was trying the other day to think why it did feel so different. I think that there are a few things that has made this so different. The first thing is the weather.  In the previous lockdown I was able to sit outside with my books and a cup of tea. The warmth of the weather meant that the days were filled with reading and lovely walks in the park and discovering new walks in the local area. This time with the cold weather the feeling is different. With the new Variant of the virus we are seeing numbers of infections growing everyday. The fear and anxiety is shown to us of the number of those in hospitals and those who have died.  I must say sometimes when I watch the news I feel a certain amount of dread and Hopelessness. With...