The Glory of the Lord
The Glory of God is the final act in this three day love story of God to us. This if you like is the icing on the cake. The triumph over Sin and death is no ordinary event. In fact the events of the last three days have not been ordinary they have been extraordinary they have been supernatural. The empty tomb and the experience of the resurrection changes everything changes humanity and changes who we are. This single act of God helps us to live in freedom it is the central act of our faith that everything else hinges on. But it can only be understood as the final act of this love story. It can only be understood if we engage with the supernatural and start to see the signs of the Supernatural the Risen Christ at work in our world. If he loves us as we have discovered over the last few days he does then he must constantly at work in the world. Sometimes like the disciples we do not have the eyes or the risk of faith to see it we are comfortable in our own world. We have to let ou...