Lent 2 listen to Jesus

The Transfiguration Lent 2nd week I was once at Bills Restaurant in Chichester when I witnessed this couple coming into the place hand in hand. They were clearly very happy to be together. They then sat down and then proceeded to text there friends where they were. They never actually looked up. When the food came they took pictures of it. They were not present to each other. On another occasion I was sitting on the train when I heard a person talking to their friend. " You just don't listen to me" they said. It seems to me that we have forgotten to listen attentively to another person. We are surrounded by noise. Every munite of every day there seems to be noise. As soon as we get up in the morning with the noise of the radio to the car alarms constant going outside to the hustle and bustle of people everywhere there is noise both natural but most of the time unnatural. Being surrounded by noise it is very hard then to actually find the time and the space to...