Finding the Treasure
I wonder what our image of God is? Do we see God as a Judge, or as a loving Father or as a man with a long white beard, or someone to tell us off at all different times. Julian of Norwich one of the mystics of the middle ages saw God as Mother for she saw God as genderless. What ever our image and all of them are correct because our experience of God is very personal to us. Our search as human beings is a search for God. Phycologists talk about having a God gene where we have a natural desire to find a higher being our desire is for God and our desire is to find him. When we have found God in our lives we then want to spend time and will do anything to be their. This is the experience of the Gospel parable their desire for God was they had to sell everything to be in the presence of God. The parables in the Gospel today tell us of people who have been searching and in there search have found something very precious they have found God himself. In that desire for God the...