
Showing posts from August, 2014

Who do people say I am?

This weeks homily: Jesus who people say he is. He asks the same of us today What can se say?

Man inhumality to Man

  At the end of the Second World War. There was a call to stop crimes against humanity. And yet as we have seen on the news in various parts of the world we have seen crime upon crime against humanity. I think that we have all been shocked and disturbed by what has been going on in Iraq. Aid to the Church in need states “The ancient Christian community in Iraq is being decimated. People are fleeing for their lives ahead of acts of terror by ISIS (now Islamic State) and their avowed ambition of ridding Iraq of the hated Christian presence and of eradicating an Iraqi community with a 2,000 year-old heritage.” We are reaching crisis point the international community are responding by dropping aid to the people who need it most our collection here last week was very good in response to what is happening in Gaza and in Iraq. This is something that we can feel that we can do. Often we feel paralysed and can feel that we should be doing something more. There seems to me to be...

Feeding of the five thousand

 I read a report a few weeks ago to say that religion was dead that we no longer desired or had any need for God. Also in the same report that many young people could not or would not be interested in God and were just out for their own self and had no regard for anything else. Even there has been an attempt to change the language of religion. I heard the other day on the radio someone talking about “mindfulness” actually they were describing prayer without mentioning God. I was in the middle of washing up at the time and shouted at the radio and said “That is called prayer.” My recent trip to Lourdes I have come across something very different and they remind me of the readings today. In the readings today we hear about coming to the water and the feeding of the five thousand with bread and fish. It is in these readings that we notice the generosity of God Notice his generosity in the feeding of the five thousand in this Gospel Jesus uses Five loaves and two fis...