Litening Heart to the Word of God
Over the last number of years there seems to be a problem in modern society. It is summed up in a title of a book that I have on my book shelf in the office “ The Lost art of listening” The book laments at the fact that in modern society we have forgotten or at least many of us have forgotten how to listen . It stresses that for many people we have been so busy with our lives that we have not slowed down sufficiently enough to listen to the world around us and more importantly to each other. This weekend the readings focus on a new kind of listening. It is listening of the heart but not to meaningless words but to the most important words in the world. The word of God. Jesus uses that beautiful image of the word as seed penetrating different kinds of soil. This soil is us. We are the ones who hear and read the word of God. And yet I am sure that we can see ourselves in all the different kind of soil. We do not hear the Word of God because of who we are or what is happening to us. ...