Christmas Eve/ Christmas Day
There are two offerings today. One was Christmas eve and the other Christmas Day. Although I left the Christmas day Homily behind when I went to Rose Green. Christmas Eve In the French Catholic Church in London every year they do the most extraordinary crib scene. They build a small model village where there is the hustle and bustle of a French town. In the midst of all this chaos and what seems like confusion there is a small area where a child is born to a man and woman in a stable. He was born not in any great pomp or ceremony he was born in obscurity and poverty almost hidden from the world around. And so the Son of God Jesus dwelt among us in time. It seems a quiet event among all that is going on. So God comes among us quietly and gently into our world of chaos: Love enters in and dwelt among us. So this event happened 2000 years ago what it means for us today. I suspect that it means meeting up with family that you rarely see, watching the queen’s speech, listening to cr...