Do not Judge: Notes on the Homily for the 7th Sunday
The Gospel message is really hard today. It's a real challenge. As I listen and pray with the Gospel it feels like an examination of Conscience. Let's take a real life Scenario. In the news this week we have heard about Shamima Begum and the fact that she wants to come back to England. I was talking about her and saying of course she should not be allowed back into the country. My first reaction was to agree with the news and other agencies. Then I read todays gospel love your enemies pray for them do not judge be compassionate. I then realised I had done everything in this case. I was happy to listen to the news and take it and be like the rest of the world. Praying the Gospel I began to feel uncomfortable. Here I am always ready and quick to judge, and make a judgement without the full facts. I act harshly towards those who I do not see eye to eye with and am ready to critizie. The Gospel teaches us not to think as People think but to always walk in the Spirit to ...