
Showing posts from April, 2018

Easter joy

There is a sense of something different its called Easter Joy. In the Easter Vigil Liturgy we hear " Let this building shake with joy." The long days of Lent are over to be replaced by joy and the life that we experience in the Risen Lord. We hear time and time again the Gospels that the disciples and those who encountered the Lord were filled with Joy. If this is true of the disciples so it must also be true with us. We also encounter the Lord he also walks among us in the sacraments. But this joy is infectious and spreads I am convinced that it is through this Joy that we can bring others to Christ. But we need to be courageous with it too. This is where the promise of the Holy Spirit will help us. With the gift of the Spirit with the joy of the Risen Christ we can bring people to the love of Jesus. To live in his joy of HIS love is amazing. To start this journey maybe we can meditate on a few God's promises that we hear and read in the Bible. Use this as a meditation a...