
Showing posts from September, 2017

Beautiful words from the Holy Father to Priests

Returning to the theme of “Dwelling in Christ,” the Pope gave three ways this must be accomplished. First, Dwelling by touching Christ’s humanity : “With the gaze and attitude of Jesus, who contemplates reality not as a judge, but rather as a good Samaritan; who recognizes the value of the people who walk with him, as well as their wounds and sins; who discovers their silent suffering and who is moved by peoples’ needs, above all when they are overwhelmed by injustice, inhumane poverty, indifference or by the perverse actions of corruption and violence.” Second, Dwelling by contemplating his divinity: “ Awakening and sustaining an admiration for the study which increases knowledge of Christ because, as Saint Augustine reminds us, we cannot love someone we do not know.” Third, dwelling in Christ in order to live joyfully: “ If we remain in him, his joy will be in us. We will not be sad disciples and bitter apostles. On the contrary, we will reflect and be heralds of true happ...

The Cost of Discipleship

“ Unless you take up your cross and follow me you cannot be my disciple” I remember a few years ago I was in hospital and the chaplain came to see me. While we were talking about this and that he said to me well this pacemaker that you are about to have is your cross that Jesus has decided to give you. I could have metaphorically swung at him. This I thought after the chaplain had gone was a complete mis interpretation of the passage we have just heard in the Gospel. It is not a bad knee a bad back a stomach ache or anything to do with that the clue to the whole sentence is in the last word. “ Disciple” We are called to be disciples of Jesus Christ we are called to follow him to give up worldly processions and attractions and follow him. To follow Jesus means that we may have to suffer that we may have to deny things in order to follow him. In a homily some years ago Pope Francis warned that Christians run the risk of becoming "lukewarm" where we become "C...

How anti is Social media

This year in the school system marks a turning point in the world. For the first time there is no child in the schooling system that has not been born in the 21st Century. The last of the 20th Century young people have gone. This is quite a cultural shift. There are a few things that we can say first of all they have been brought up wit the new technology they have always known social media, the Internet and smart phones. This must give a particular world view. We live in a world where there is instant communication at a flick of a switch the world knows where we are and what we are doing. Many wait to see how many likes they get how many people agree with them. But in this world we have forgotten the art of real communication. I witnessed a few years ago two people who were out for a meal and they spend their whole time on their phones not even talking-to each other. Taking photos of there food and expressing how much fun they were having with the other person and yet not even talk...