Christmas 2013
I over heard someone say the other day about Christmas “after all it’s just another day in the year.” Although I was disappointed that I heard this after some thought I realised for a lot of people they are absolutely right. Christmas is just another day with the queen on at 3pm. Others it is a day where it’s a chance to have a day off or some just to eat and drink too much. It’s almost as if you want to say to them “Do they know it’s Christmas?” For others at the end of the Christmas day they turn to each other and say “well thanks that’s over for another year” Each of these groups of people are probably thoughts and feelings that we may have said or will say today. And yet today this day “The Word made flesh and dwelt among us” It is this day that human history changed for ever it is a pivotal day in history of humanity. Jesus the Son of God walked upon earth. Christ was among us. And so it is not just another day. There was no trumpet blasts or yellow tickertape on Sky ...