The Pharisee and the Woman
The Gospel today presents to us a contrast between a man and a woman. One is the host and the other is the woman who is uninvited. Simon is a Pharisee and prides himself in being at a distance between himself and those who are sinners. He gives Jesus a place at table and speaks to him with respect. This would have been considered a risk because Jesus had already got a reputation for being a blasphemer. For Simon a meal like this would have been a good and I am sure would told the world and their mother about it. You can imagine his annoyance that in fact a woman, with no name, steals the limelight. She may well have been a prostitute and not a welcome guest at the table. Her welcome of Jesus is completely different to that of Simon. She is overcome by emotion kisses the feet of Jesus and dries his feet with her hair. Notice the difference between the two. Simon is proper and correct with his greeting of Jesus and the woman although a sinner is over flowing with love. Jesus res...