The Fifth Sunday of Lent B
A friend of mine told me a story about his first experience of the sacrament of reconciliation. He was a newly ordained priest and had gone to a parish to supply. He was asked to hear confessions. So he went into the box and as he sat down the chair collapsed under him. As he finished getting out the chair he heard a little voice say from behind the grill “And for all these sins and those I can’t remember I ask forgiveness.” Not hearing what she had said he said the words he gave a penance and absolution and she totted off happy. Lent for many people is a chance to examine their life and for many they feel the need to go to the sacrament of reconciliation. They may like the priest and possibly the penitent have had a bad experience and so do not go anymore. Many others feel that they are ok because they have already been forgive through the penitential rite of the Mass. You know as much as I do that there is a value in going to a person to share your problems and have an...