The Feast of Corpus Christi There was a programme on a number of years ago called Sorry I think it was with Ronnie Courbet. IF you remember he was an older man still living with his Mother and Father? The famous line from that programme is that every time was “language Timothy” anytime he got something wrong. We have to be careful with the language we use because sometimes like the sitcom we can confuse people. This is especially true with the Blessed Sacrament. Today’s feast celebrates the greatest gift Jesus gift of himself in his body and blood and so it demands the greatest respect and devotion As the CCC says “Because God is truly present in the consecrated species of bread and wine, we must preserve the sacred gifts with the greatest reverence and worship our Lord and Redeemer in the Most Blessed Sacrament” The History of this feast day comes from the time when the Church was under attack in the Reformation it was to remind people of the importance and what the Church believ...